Web Design Course in Tirunelveli

If you are learning web development, you will come across terms like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are often called the building blocks of the Web. These three tools dominate web development. Every library or tool seems to be centered around HTML, CSS, and JS. So if you want to become a web developer, you need to learn them well. You’ll also discover that websites are mostly built from these three languages.


  • Introduction to HTML

    What is HTML
    HTML Documents
    Basic structure of an HTML document
    creating an HTML document
    Mark up Tags
    Line Breaks
    HTML Tags

  • Elements of HTML

    Introduction to elements of HTML
    Working with Text
    Working with Lists
    Tables and Frames
    Working with Hyperlinks
    Images and Multimedia
    Working with Forms and controls

  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets

    Concept of CSS
    Creating Style Sheet
    CSS Properties
    CSS Styling(Background, Text Format, Controlling Fonts)
    Working with block elements and objects
    Working with Lists and Tables
    CSS Id and Class
    Box Model(Introduction, Border properties, Padding Properties, Margin properties)
    CSS Advanced(Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning, Floating, Align,Pseudo class, Navigation Bar, Image Sprites, Attribute sector)
    Creating page Layout and Site Designs

  • Introduction to JQuery

    Basics of JavaScript
    What is JQuery
    JQuery Syntax Basics: Objects, Arrays, Functions, Scope, Built-in functions etc

  • HTML Manipulation

    Adding new elements,replacing elements and content, removing elements and content,manipulating the elements attribute and properties
    Modifying the CSS properties, managing CSS classes, Changing content of element

  • Events

    Keyboard Events
    Form Events

  • Advanced jQuery UI syllabus

    widgets: Accordion, Buttons, Menu, Sliders, Progress Bar,Tabs, Datepicker,dialog
    Effects:Add Class, Color Animation, Animation, Switch class
    Interaction: Draggable, droppable, resizable, selectable, sortable elements
    Utilities: Element Position, Custom Widgets